Location : homepage FACILITIES Animal behavior platform
Brief introduction
Animal behavior platform, also named as the Animal Behavior and Neuroscience public technology platform,is set up on the basis of complementary advantages, mutual benefit and mutual c...
Instruments: Shuttle Boxes for Active & Passive Avoidance
The instrument was purchased from Med Associates and provides the ideal environment to carry out conditioned reflexes (Active and Passive Avoidance) in learning an...
Instruments: Near Infrared (NIR) Video Fear Conditioning
The instrument was purchased from Med Associates. It allows the researcher to easily construct customized experimental protocols and obtain a quantitative measurement of conditioned immobili...
Instruments :Water Maze Video Tracking System
The instrument was purchased from Probecare Scientific Company. The Morris water maze task is a very popular test for spatial learning and memory is. Th...
Instruments : Elevated Plus Maze Video Tracking System
The instrument was purchased from Shanghai Mobiledatum Information Technology Company. The elevated plus maze is a rodent model of anxiety that is used as a s...
Instruments : Radial Arm Maze
The instrument was purchased from Med Associates. The radial arm maze is a paradigm that is often used to assess working and reference memory in rats and mice. ...
Instruments : Open Field Video Tracking System
The instrument was purchased from ViewPoint. Open-field experiments allow the evaluation of animal’s basal activity and its evolution, in response to novelty ...
Instruments : Startle Response
The instrument was purchased from SAN DIEGO Instruments. The startle response or startle reaction is a response to sudden, startling stimuli, such as sudden noise or sharp movem...
Instruments : Contextual Conditioning System And Five Choice Serial Re...
The instrument was purchased from Med Associates. The 5-Choice Serial Reaction Time Task (5-CSRTT) is a method of measuring the visual processesin rats. It has also...
Instruments : Fear Condition
The instrument was purchased from COULBOURN. Fear conditioning a commonly used paradigm to assess an animals ability to learn basic associations. This testing parad...
Instruments : 3-Chambered Social Test Or Sociability Apparatus
The instrument was purchased from Med Associates.The Three-Chamber test assesses cognition in the form of general sociability and interest in social novelty in rodent models of...
Instruments : Ultrasonic Vocalization Detector
The instrument was purchased from Med Associates. The device can be used for rodent mother to pup vocalizations, pup vocalizations, distress vocalizations, mating vocalizations etc. The soft...