    • 1. Neal Amin, GeBai, Jason Klug, Dario Bonanomi, Mathew Pankratz, Wesley D. Gifford, Christopher A. Hinckley, Shawn P. Driscoll, Bertha Dominguez, Kuo-Fen Lee, Xin Jin, and Samuel L. Pfaff. (2015) Loss of motoneuron-specific microRNA-218 causes systemic neuromuscular failure. Science 350(6267):1525-9

      2. Weiwei He*, GeBai*, Huihao Zhou, NicholasM. White, Jeni Lauer, HuaqingLiu, Yi Shi, Calin Dan Dumitru, Karen Lettieri, VeronicaShubayev, Patrick Griffin, Robert W. Burgess, SamuelL. Pfaffand Xiang-Lei Yang. (2015) Peripheral Neuropathy is Linked to the Neomorphic Binding Activity of tRNASynthetase. Nature 526:710-714 (* Co-first author) (Evaluated by Faculty of 1000)

      3. GeBai, Samuel L. Pfaff. (2011) Protease Regulation: The Yin and Yang of Neural Development and Disease. Neuron 72(1): 9-21 (Featured Article)

      4. GeBai, OnanongChivatakarn, Dario Bonanomi, Karen Lettieri, Laura Franco, Caihong Xia, Elke Stein, Le Ma, Joseph W. Lewcock, Samuel L. Pfaff. (2011) Presenilin-dependent Receptor Processing is Required for Axon Guidance. Cell144(1): 106-118 (Cover Article, Evaluated by Faculty of 1000)

      5. GeBai, Nengyin Sheng, ZhihuiXie, Wei Bian, Yoshifumi Yokota, Robert BenezraRyoichiroKageyama, Francois Guillemot and Naihe Jing. (2007) Id Sustains Hes1 Expression to Inhibit Precocious Neurogenesis by Releasing Negative Autoregulation of Hes1. Developmental Cell 13: 283-297 (Highlighted by Nature China)