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Prof. Xiaoming Li from the Center of Neuroscience at Zhejiang University won the first CNS-CST Outstanding Neuroscience Award

Date Posted :2019-08-09    Source :汪志强    Views :185

Selected by the Chinese Society of Neuroscience, Prof.Xiaoming Lifrom the Neuroscience Center at Zhejiang University won the CNS-CST Outstanding Neuroscientist Award in 2019 (one of the first two scientists).

To promote the development of neuroscience in China and to reward outstanding researchers, the Chinese Neuroscience Society and Cell Signaling Technology (CST) China established the CNS-CST Outstanding Neuroscientist Award jointly. The prize is selected once every two years with two people selected each time. This year is the first time to vote for candidates.

Xiaoming Li, MD, is aDistinguished Professor of “Qiushi” from Zhejiang University, Distinguished Professor of “Yangtze Scholar” of the Ministry of Education, “Young People”, “Young People”, and the winner of the National Outstanding Youth Funding. He is currently the Executive Vice President of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Executive Deputy Director of the Institute of Neuroscience of Zhejiang University, and Director of the Department of Neurobiology. In 2003, he graduated from the First Military Medical University of the People's Liberation Army and obtained a doctorate in medicine. He has committed to clinic, teaching and research work on neurological diseases for many years. As the person in charge of the research project, he has undertaken the National Natural Science Foundation's key projects and major scientific research plan integration projects. As the main accomplisher of the project, he won the second prize of the National Natural Science Award, the first prize of provincial scientific and technological progress, the second prize of Chinese medical science, and the second prize of scientific research achievements of colleges. The research of Prof. Li’s laboratory is mainly to explore the neural circuits and molecular mechanisms of emotion and emotional defects. In recent years, his team has achieved great progress in the field of structural and functional regulation of synapses and neural circuits, especially in the pathogenesis of mental disorders including schizophrenia and depression. His representative research has been published in internationally renowned journals such as Nature Medicine, Nature Neuroscience, and Neuron, and have been reviewed positively by international peers.


Prof. Li’s recent publications:

1. Dong P, Wang H, Shen XF, Jiang P, ZhuXT,Li Y, Gao JH, Lin S, Huang Y,He XB, Xu FQ, Duan S,Lian H, Wang H,Chen J, LiXM*. A novel cortico-intrathalamic circuit for flight behavior. Nature Neuroscience.2019 Jun;22(6):941-949.

2. Shen CJ,Zheng D, Li KX, Yang JM, PanHQ, Yu XD, Fu JY,Zhu Y,Sun P,Xie Y,Duan S,Hu H, Li XM*. Cannabinoid CB1receptors in the amygdalar cholecystokinin glutamatergic afferents to nucleus accumbensmodulate depressive-like behavior. Nature Medicine. 2019 Feb;25(2):337-349.

3. Li Y, Li CY, Xi W, Jin S, Wu ZH, JiangP, Dong P, He XB, Xu FQ, Duan SM, Zhou YD, Li XM*. Rostral and Caudal VentralTegmental Area GABAergic Inputs to Different Dorsal Raphe Neurons Participate inOpioid Dependence. Neuron. 2019 Feb 20;101(4):748-761. e5.

4. Yang JM,Shen CJ, Chen XJ,Kong Y, LiuYS, Li XW, Chen Z, Gao TM, Li XM*. erbb4 Deficits in Chandelier Cells in theMedial Prefrontal Cortex Confer Cognitive Dysfunctions: Implications for Schizophrenia.Cerebral Cortex. 2018 Dec 22. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhy316.

5. Cao SX, Zhang Y, Hu XY, Hong B, Sun P,He HY, Geng HY, Bao AM, Duan SM, Yang JM, Gao TM, Lian H*, Li XM*. ErbB4deletion in noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus induces mania-likebehavior via elevated catecholamines. eLife.2018 Sep 4;7.pill:e39907.

6. Geng HY, Jing Z, Yang JM, Li Y, Wang N,Ye M, Chen XJ, Lian H and Li XM*. Erbb4 Deletion from Medium Spiny Neurons ofthe Nucleus Accumbens Core Induces Schizophrenia-Like Behaviors via ElevatedGABAA Receptor α1 Subunit Expression. Journal of Neuroscience, 2017 Aug 2;37 (31): 7450-7464.

7. Zhu JM, Li KX, Cao SX,Chen XJ,ShenCJ,Zhang Y,Geng HY,Chen BQ,Lian H,Zhang JM,Li XM*.Increased NRG1-ErbB4signaling in human symptomatic epilepsy. Sientific Reports. 2017 Mar10;7(1):141.

8. Pan G,Yang JM,Hu XY,Li XM*. Postnatal development of the electrophysiological propertiesof somatostatin interneurons in the anterior cingulate cortex of mice.Scientific Reports. 2016 Jun 20;6:28137.

9. Zhang Y,Cao SX,Sun P,He HY,YangCH,Chen XJ,Shen CJ,Wang XD,Chen Z,Berg DK,Duan SM, Li XM*.Loss of MeCP2 incholinergic neurons causes part of RTT-like phenotypes via alpha7 receptor in hippocampus.Cell Research. 2016 Jun;26(6):728-42.

10. Ni KM, Hou XJ,Yang CH, Dong P,LiY,Zhang Y,Jiang P, Berg DK, DuanS,and Li XM*. Selectively driving cholinergicfibers optically in the thalamic reticular nucleus promotes sleep. eLife. 2016Feb 11;5.pii:e10382.

11. Lu YM, Gao YP, Tao RR, Liao MH,Huang JY, Wu G, Han F,Li XM*. Calpain-dependent ErbB4 cleavage is involved inbrain ischemia-induced neuronal death. Molecular Neurobiology. 2016 May;53(4):2600-9.

12. Pan G, Li Y, Geng HY, Yang JM, LiKX,Li XM*, Preserving GABAergic interneurons in acute brain slices of miceusing the N-methyl-D-glucamine-based artificial cerebrospinal fluidmethod.Neuroscience Bull. 2015 Apr;31(2),265-70.

13. Chen C, Li HQ, Liu YJ, Guo ZF, WuHJ, Li X, Lou HF, Zhu L, Wang D, Li XM, Yu L, Cao X, Lu L, GaoZ, DuanSM.A novelsizebased sorting mechanism of pinocytic luminal cargoes in microglia. Journal of Neuroscience. 2015 Feb 11;35(6):2674-88.